Space Project

Update 21-10-2012

Moving ships

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  1. Master Kira

    User deleted

    Space Project 1.4.3 Pre Alpha
    Anything more than an experiment

    Bug List (yeah im working to):
    - Bigger Bigger and bigger ships make game lag a bit while editing blocks. Optimized a bit, now ships with over 600 (maybe 1000 now) blocks lag a bit. partially fixed in 1.1.3 and 1.2.0 and 1.3.0a
    - Sometimes Server won't connect to Database (probably after a Database crash/restart)
    - Complex blocks are not optimized.
    - Two players can control same ship but it makes useless...
    - If the Controller is broken by someone else the sontrol is still working untill release
    - If the computer frame of the controller is broken, the controller still works

    Feature added:
    - Ship movements
    - From now on, servers save map so is time to build a capital ship
    - Dozen bug fixes

    Engine blocks / device

    Skype contact: masterofsnipers
    If you want a copy of the release contact me on skype

    Release controls:
    WSADEQ+Mouse - Movement and rotations
    Shift+Mouse+WASDEQ = different movement in order to cover all six direction
    F - Interact and Inertial adapt engage/disengage
    I - Inventory

    Ship control:
    WSADEQ = Rotations

    TAB - Skill book

    Skill: Editing structure
    Mouse left click = Break (Use Fusion cutter for harder blocks and require some seconds)
    Mouse right click = Place (Require some seconds)

    Skill: Creating entities
    Mouse left click = Nothing
    Mouse right click = Create new entity (Require some seconds)

    Edited by Master Kira - 21/10/2012, 07:58
0 replies since 21/10/2012, 06:24   166 views